• Viral Contest Configuration

  • This contest is a viral giveaway software. It gives each entrant a unique tracking link to share on social media (or wherever else she wants to share it). Every person who enters through her link, gives her extra entries.

    This is a great incentive for people to share your giveway when they otherwise probably wouldn’t. And this is how it goes “viral.”

    Everything with our giveaways is automated. Once we set it up, you don’t need to do anything else until it’s time to declare a winner.

  • Your title (or headline) should be ultra-specific.

    Your title should convey:

    • That people are entering a competition
    • What prize they’re going to win
    • The company that’s giving away the prize.
  • You next need to enter your giveaway description.

    Be specific here.

    List things like:

    • What each element of the prize is called
    • How much each element of the prize is worth
    • What each element of the prize will do for your entrants